Best Things to Do in Lamego

Showing 1 - 8 of 8

  • Lamego Sanctuary Nossa Senhora
    Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios

    Set atop a baroque staircase with 686 steps is the shrine and rococo church. To either side of the staircase is dense woodland with furtherr pathways and shrines


  • Tomb of Bishop of Porto - São Pedro de Balsemão
    Tomb of Bishop of Porto
    GFreihalter | BY-SA

    Despite the relatively recent Baroque styling of the facade the Chapel of São Pedro de Balsemão is in fact one of the most ancient churches in Portugal. The site possibly dates back to the 7th century when it may have been used as a sanctuary by the Visigoths.

    It is actually more likely the chapel started out in the 9th or 10th century as the reconquests gained traction. Whilst the The layout is believed to remain as it was, what we see today is very much a mixture of styles and influences from the intervening centuries.

    A closer look at some of the stones, including those...


  • Lamego Museum
    Lamego Museum
    GFreihalter | BY-SA

    Lamego's regional museum sits within the walls of the 18th century episcopal palace (bishop's palace) and contains some of the finest examples of religious art to be found anywhere in Portugal. Much of the collection was built up over the centuries by the Bishops of Lamego but since the episcopal palace became the museum there have been many new additions.

    Among the highlights on exhibit are a number of religious paintings by Vasco Fernandes, or Grão Vasco as he was commonly known. The 16th century paintings were commissioned to form part of the altarpiece in the...


  • Sé de Lamego - Cathedral
    Sé de Lamego
    Pedro | BY-SA

    The fine cathedral in Lamego is a mix of Gothic and Renaissance architecture dating back a far as the 12th century. This makes the Sé de Lamego the oldest cathedral in all of Portugal, although the only surviving feature from this time is the Romanesque base of the bell tower. 

    Dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption (Sé Catedral de Nossa Senhora da Assunção) Lameg Cathedral was built on the site of an older chapel and consecrated in 1175.

    Much of the cathedral's facade was constructed in the 15th century. This includes the striking central section with its triple...


  • The Douro Railway

    The Linha do Douro runs for 200Km alongside the river Douro from the historic centre of Porto to Pocinho near the Spanish border. The locomotives are vintage steam and diesels making for an ideal pace to take in the stunning scenery


  • Museu do Douro
    Museu do Douro
    Michael Gaylard | BY-SA

    The Douro Museum should be the first port of call for anyone interested in the culture and heritage of the Douro valley. Located in the region's unofficial capital, Peso da Régua, the museum occupies the Casa da Companhia Velho, a former wine warehouse on the riverfront.

    Exhibits range from the historic to the modern. They cover not just the development of wine and port in the region in the permanent exhibition, but also its geography and a full insight into how people used to live in days gone by.

    Should you need some further convincing, tickets (adult tickets cost around €6...


  • Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Salzedas
    Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Salzedas
    Pedro Nuno Caetano | BY-SA

    Edging the old Jewish Quarter (judiaria) of Lamego, the Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Salzedas became one of the richest monasteries in Portugal when it was founded in the mid-1100s. While some would say it's now showing its age, careful preservation is continuing to ensure this important historic monument survives for a further 900-plus years.

    Dominating the area's other structures, the monastery was created as a place of worship for the Cistercian order of monks. It was largely funded by members of the then king's household, perhaps to curry favour with both the divine and the ever-...


  • Mosteiro de São João de Tarouca
    Mosteiro de São João de Tarouca
    Vitor Oliveira | BY-SA

    With construction beginning in 1154 this was the first Cistercian monastery to be built in Portugal. As with most sites of such antiquity there are a mix of architectural styles reflecting development over the centuries; from Romanesque through to Baroque.

    Unlike most other Cistercian monasteries, São João de Tarouca is dedicated to St John as opposed to the Virgin Mary. This is probably due to the fact the monastery was established before this became the tradition. An other unique feature of the monastery is the large dormitory which is constructed over two stories. This was built...



Lamego travel guide »

Nestled among the terraced slopes of the Douro valley port wine-growing region, and overlooked by an ornate shrine, the town of Lamego is elegant and infused with Baroque style.
