Best Things to Do in Bairro-Alto

Showing 46 - 47 of 47

  • Convento dos Capuchos - Caparica
    Convento dos Capuchos
    Juntas | BY-SA

    The stretch of coast along Costa da Caparica is home to a slightly strange geological feature where the cliffs rise not from the sea, but several hundred metres inland. This is most pronounced in the resort town itself where behind the apartment blocks is a small plain with fields. Suddenly, a steep escarpment rises up, and it is here that you will find the 16th century Convento dos Capuchos.

    As you can imagine the convent commands a spectacular sweeping panorama over the coast below. In fact there is a viewpoint (miradouro) here from which you can see Lisbon and the hills of Sintra...


  • Costa da Caparica beach railway
    Costa da Caparica beach railway
    Mogadir | BY-SA

    The huge crescent of sand that stretches southwards from the town of Costa da Caparica is home to a number of fantastic beaches. And whilst those in front of the numerous apartment blocks in the town itself are nothing to complain about, the further down the coast you head, the wider and less built up they becomes. In fact within a few km there are only sand dunes as a backdrop - keep going and it becomes a protected landscape of sculpted cliffs and forest.

    For many visitors to Costa da Caparica the appeal is you can hop on a bus, train or ferry in Lisbon and be here in half an hour...



Bairro Alto

Bairro Alto travel guide »

Literally translated, Biarro Alto means ‘high district’, it is of no surprise that this traditional area of Lisbon, one of the few unaffected by the earthquake of 1755, is found atop one...